Saturday, 1 October 2011

O Love!

O Love! Thou art so harsh,
Giving Me pain and a burning heart
Your agonies are many, cruel yet sweet,
Come what may, they refuse to retreat
You make Me happy, sad and scared,
Yet give Me hope to be loved and cared
I cannot let You go from My life,
I shall not give up the strife
All I want is You and Your Love,
Your absence makes Me a lifeless dove, 
Come to Me My Sweetie Pie,
And swear You will be here till I die,
All My life I will shall love You madly
Please come back once, I need You badly...


  1. hey chikki.. Firstly i must say,, it was a beautiful piece of writing :) too good.. following you back :)

    and thank you for joining the Devil's workshop :) hope you have fun with the rest of us :)
