Monday, 5 September 2011

Life is Beautiful :)

I'm happy today... for no particular reason :)

And this definitely calls for a post… just like the previous one, which was penned on an utterly gloomy day!

Coming back to my cheerful mood. Well, there is really no reason why I am joyful. Circumstances, situation and fate haven’t really taken any dramatic turn over the past two days, since "Reflections" was penned. Still, I feel a lot more relaxed and contented with life. 

Whatever God and fate have bestowed upon me is beyond my expectation and I am highly grateful for every little blessing.

I have the world's bestest parents, a loving elder sibling, friends who have stood by through thick and thin, some real-time loyal well-wishers, an enviable career graph and a promising one staring me in the face, financial and social circumstances that are more than just comfortable and enough luxuries to make me feel like a Princess. 

They say counting one's blessings is a humbling experience and once you have this eye-opening experience, you just cannot dare to be ungrateful for things you don't have. I have experienced this beautiful feeling and am glad that it has happened sooner than later.

I have no words to thank the Almighty for the beautiful life He has given me.

And as strange as it might read, but now when I go through my previous post, I wonder if it was written by me! For, no matter what circumstances and situations destiny has ever thrown at me, I have never ever behaved like such a pessimist (the kind that came out that day).

Perhaps the dreary office environs did the trick!! Or may be, Dr. Faustus hasn't really left the corridors of my mind since I read it some 6 years back as part of my M.A. English syllabus - coming back to haunt me every now and then, giving me hope at times and despair at others. Or... should I blame it on PMS ;))

Whatever it is, I say... Life is Beautiful :)

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