Saturday 15 October 2011


Some months ago, I used to drive my pregnant colleague-friend to all our meetings in town and also to office, and whenever I had her in my car, I got all stressed out. I was doubly aware of the surroundings, maintained speed limits, double checked before cutting lane with the indicator lights on and no swearing. How can you swear in front of a mom-to-be, right??
Due to her, I got into this permanent habit of being a careful, patient driver, though I’ve never really been a speed demon. And to be frank, I missed all those days of “normal” driving when one would enjoy the scenes on the road, making fun of outlandish characters on the road, peeping at the show windows of shops while passing through the city markets, suddenly coming across a road bump and bringing the car to a screeching halt or swearing at the truck driver who almost squashed my l’il car! Not surprisingly, the lady delivered but the so-called good habit stuck to me, for what seemed like forever.
So for months everyday, I drove to and from office as the proverbial good driver, honking mildly when required, indicating turns, slowing down much before a bump or pothole, never really enjoying the drive like I used to as a free-spirited driver prior to my friend’s family plan.
Anyway, moving on to last weekend. I had another one of my friends riding in my car after a long time – his first time with me, to be precise. We were going out for a long weekend drive. It was the most enjoyable 2-hour drive on my entire 12 years of driving.
Driving uphill at a comfortably high speed, with cool breeze blowing into the face, I drove along, enjoying one of the most pleasurable experiences of my life.
A few kilometres’ drive and we found ourselves amid the beautifully breathtaking hills, wrapped deliciously in lush green environs. Thick dark clouds made the hills look even more welcoming.
The destination was still some kilometres away and we were determined to make the most of every minute of my journey.
As we drove along, we relished the bounty of nature, bestowed so sumptuously upon the surrounding hills, pine trees, gorges and brooks. The playful monkeys seem to be singing in the praise of the Mother Nature.
I was lost in the beauty of the enchanting environs just when I realised I had lost all the consciousness about driving that had come with my pregnant friend. I was once again enjoying the high-speed yet careful drive thoroughly, whistling and singing all along. I felt as though my shackles have been taken off after ages. I felt liberated. Once again, I felt one with my own self!


  1. You became the USUAL YOU again.
    People change us for better or for worse, or they make us forget who we were. But someone always comes up and gives us a taste f the past.

    Lovely read!
