Monday 17 October 2011

Whore-monal wave

I hate it. Yes I do. Just like all the other girls. And here I am - PMS-ing, and needless to say, hating it to the core. I have two majorly ugly pimples on my left cheek. My emotions are in a mess and I'm getting upset and so girl and sensitive over small little things. I hate it when I get 'Miss Lil Sensitive' and sulk over small stuffs. It makes me feel like I'm a cry baby. Grrrr! And just the thought that this will go on for another week, gives me the eeeeeekkss... or whateva!
So today, I guess I'm just not being myself. I'm tired, exhausted, irritated and generally behaving like an old hag - shouting and screaming at anybody and everybody in sight! I'm getting teary eyed for no apparent reason at all and not feeling hungry, despite a yummy delicacy hidden in there in my lunch box!
I'm missing my lost-love terribly but just can't get myself to call him up, lest I end up fighting or hurting him. 
The only good thing to have happened today was a call from a long-lost girl-friend with whom I chatted and bitched and gossiped to my heart's content about people in general and men in particular. 

This reminds me... I gotto pen down what I invariably end up doing on such days!

Top 10 things I say or do when I’m PMSing

10. Ask you to talk about your problems then get mad at you.

9. Whine when I might as well wine!

8. Ask you if I look bloated, old, ugly, cute, young, sexy, slim or fat? Any answer is wrong.

7. Cry A LOT!

 6. Call him up and ask him why we loved each other so much yet we've never got married and why his parents were scared of me?

5. Ask him about his ex/ prospects and find reason to feel insecure!

4. Fight with him over the time when I said “I Love You” to him and found him hesitant. "Was he seeing someone else?" turns out to be the biggest fight! 

3. Drive 25 km for an ice-cream, only to be put off by its mere sight.

2. Get all mushy after the fight and tell him how much I still love him and miss him.

1. Go on a crazy shopping spree and come back with bags-full of stuff I don't require in this birth.

Ahhh, the whore-monal wave...problem if you sweep across our lives, and even bigger problem if you decide to play truant forever!! Love to hate you, you Bitch!!


  1. Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody to give me a company!!!
    Lets screem on ppl together, whine together, bitch and gossip! LOL! That would be fun.. :D

  2. @ Manju...I swear!! wht grt fun tht wud be :P
