Tuesday 18 October 2011

Time’s a living prize

“Simple joys have a simple voice that says time’s a living prize…”

Life dwells in simple, sweet pleasures whilst the bigger things simply facilitate it. Well, not many might agree but I'm one of the most loyal lovers of simpler joys that life has to offer. 
Most of the times, it's the small l'il things that make our lives so easy and worth living.
Remember how many times, we have broken into an impromptu smile when a stranger in the coffee shop smiled at us, or when our secret crush as much as glanced at us. A phone call from a long-lost pal has always brought boundless happiness as has fresh, home-made food (esp after months of dreary, inedible stuff rolled out by the hostel mess).
All of us have, without fail, felt a lot better after a hug from a loved one even during those dreadful bouts of depression. Almond kheer made so lovingly by mum and served by dad in the middle of the night is always more than just a blessing. Finding a Rs 100 note from an old, forgotten pair of jeans is usually, the happiest moment of the day. 
Looking at the old black and white family pics is always a nostalgic experience and holding hands with your beloved always transports one to a different world altogether. Holding a sleeping baby (even if not yours) in your arms is always such an exhilarating, unique experience.
And not to forget the joy we all feel when we happen to lay our hands on that one book that we had been dying to read.  
Driving through the hills with your fav music on, watching the sun rise on a mid-summer morning, feel of freshly-laundered sheets, no traffic jams, no deadlines, watching a classic, curled up in a cozy bed on a frosty winter evening - the simple joys are too many to be chronicled in even a 7-volume-series.
But what beats all these simple joys of life hands down is the Utopian freedom of not having to wake up to the sound of the alarm clock. Ahhhh...sounds so very interestingly refreshing and liberating - having the ultimate freedom of  no alarm, no agenda, no work. All this is it... isn't it!?!
So here's to the simple pleasures of life. May they always sneak up behind us and yell 'Surprise!'


  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaahh... Girl... You said it all...!!! Little moments of bliss... Life is lived in its small proportions.. Small joys that make us feel so complete.. Its always like that.. Big fussy day.. Doesn seem so bad when you have a sip of tea watching the sun set or talking to someone pure nonsense it may be.. All these.. And more.. Nothing beats them.. I loved this post..!! Made me smile big...!! :):)

  2. yeah Superrnickkk...lifez all about enjoying l'il joys and taking those terrible big decisions!!
    glad the post made u smile :))

  3. Simple pleasures are always there to make life easier for us. It's our job to realize and take pleasure in them.. Nice post.

  4. A beautiful post on the small simple pleasures of life!!

  5. PeeVee and Vyankatesh...glad u liked it...thnx :))
